Haymarket Recipes

Ashbourne Mixed Green Salad with Roasted Root Vegetables
Tools Needed
Cutting board, Paring Knife, Chef Knife, Glass Bowl, Large Pyrex Dish, Sheet Tray, Aluminum Foil, Peeler.
10 Cups Ashbourne Mixed Greens
1 lb. Rootbound Farms Turnips, Cleaned, Sliced ¼”
1 lb. Roasted Rootbound Farms Purple Daikon Radish, Peeled
1 lb. Rootbound Farms Beets, Cleaned Well, Roasted
1 lb. Rootbound Kohlrabi, Cleaned, Peeled
1 Rootbound Watermelon Radish, Peeled, Shaved Thin and Fine Sliced Across
4 oz. Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheddar, Shaved with peeler
1 Jar Haymarket Cranberry Balsamic
3 fl oz. Avocado Oil
2 Tbsp Kosher Salt
1 Tbsp Black pepper, Toasted, Cracked
2 fl oz. Red Wine Vinegar
4 oz. Haymarket Crostini
- Place cutting board on counter, gather all vegetables, preheat oven to 425 degrees F, while preheating begin preparing vegetables.
- Take beets, cover in warm water, with a small pairing knife, scrape the skin of the beet to clean excess dirt, once clean, rinse, then remove the root to keep flavor clean. Cut beets in ¼ and place in foil, toss with 20% of the oil, salt, and pepper, wrap tight in foil, place on sheet tray in oven, cook 1 hour or until you can poke a knife or toothpick in with little to no resistance. Once finished, Peel Skin Off while warm, place in glass bowl, toss with red wine vinegar, set aside to cool.
- Take remaining root vegetables except watermelon radish, cut into ¼ “slices across to make planks, toss in remaining oil, salt, and pepper, place in pyrex dish and roast in oven for 45-60 minutes until same tenderness as the beets. Remove from oven and place in cooler to chill.
- While cooling down, cut beet ¼ in half again to make smaller chunks, place back in glass bowl and toss with 20% of vinaigrette, set aside.
- Once cool, cut remaining vegetables into different shapes and sizes, have fun with it there are no rules on how to cut, dice, make oblique (little Triangles), cut into smaller strips, Once cooled and cut, gather all root vegetables together, place equal parts lettuce mix on plates or bowls, arrange root vegetables on lettuce how you would like, shave the watermelon radish on top and finish with the shaved cheese. Place cranberry vinaigrette on the side and dress when you are ready to eat.
- Place crostini in a Ziploc bag, smash to a crumb consistency, top the salad last minute.
- Place cranberry balsamic on the side and dress as you would like, please enjoy.

Grilled Bok Choy with Carrot Ginger Dressing, Cashew Butter, and Bourbon Barrel Foods Togarashi
Tools Needed
Grill, Metal Tongs, Sheet Tray, Chef Knife, Cutting Board, Spoon, Plastic Wrap.
1 Large Head Ashbourne Farms Bok Choy, Cleaned, Quartered
1 lb. Rootbound Carrots, Peeled, Cut in Half
2 Tbsp Local Honey
4 oz. Cashew Butter
8 oz. Cashews, Toasted, Crumbled
4 Sprigs Cilantro, Picked
1 Tbsp BBF Togarashi
1 Tbsp Kosher Salt
4 oz. Haymarket Kimchi, Chopped Small
2 Tbsp Avocado Oil
8 fl oz. Haymarket Carrot Ginger Dressing
1 Lime, Zested and Juiced
- Preheat Grill to as high as it goes, if charcoal, a full chimney and if you have some wood chips, add those for 5 minutes to the top of the burnt down charcoal. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
- Take ½ oil and rub each bok choy, season with ½ the salt, and 25% of the togarashi evenly among the 4 quarters, set aside. Take carrots and season with the remaining oil, salt, and another 25% of the togarashi, set aside.
- Once grill has preheated and is ready, make sure the grates are clean and hot, place carrots and bok choy face sides down and grill 2 minutes, begin to check for color, you want good char color before flipping to other sides, once char color is good, flip and continue grilling, grill to the color of your liking, probably about 3-4 minutes each side.
- Drizzle honey with spoon evenly over all carrots and bok choy, continue turning to caramelize the honey just a bit and pull out some sweetness.
- Once the color has reached your liking, I grill them decently dark, place them on tray and wrap the tray with plastic wrap to keep warm and continue cooking the vegetables through. Carrots should be tender with a bit of tooth to them, bok choy should be tender but still some crunch in the ribs of the vegetable.
- While vegetables are resting wrapped, toast cashews in a 425-degree oven for about 5-7 minutes, once golden brown, remove and let cool 5 minutes. Once cool place in Ziploc bag and crush to pebble size.
- Unwrap the vegetables, place in oven for 2 minutes to heat through.
- Place cashew butter down the center of large plate, pull carrots and bok choy, place on plate with a towel, then arrange in an abstract way on top of the cashew butter. Zest and juice the lime over top of the vegetables.
- Top evenly with the carrot ginger dressing, chopped kimchi, then sprinkle the cashews and remaining togarashi, then finish with the picked cilantro, please enjoy.

Black Pepper Bucatini with Ashbourne Farms Mushroom Ragu and Aged Parmesan
Tools Needed
Medium Saucepot, Large Sauté Pan w/ Lid (Parchment Paper if no Lid), Rubber Spatula or Wooden Spoon, Micro plane or Cheese Shredder, Chef Knife, Cutting Board, Strainer, Tongs for Serving.
4 Tbsp Avocado Oil
1 Package Haymarket Black Pepper Bucatini
1 20oz Container Haymarket Mushroom Ragout
6 oz Ashbourne Farms Chestnut Mushrooms, Cut 2” Long, Reserve Stems
1 Tbsp Ashbourne Farms Yellow Onion, Peeled, Thin Sliced
2 Garlic, Peeled, Minced
4 fl oz. White Wine
2 oz. Butter
1 oz. Ashbourne Farms Fresh Parsley, Cleaned, Fine Sliced
1 Lemon, Zested and Juiced
3 Tbsp Kosher Salt
1 Tsp Black Pepper, Toasted, Cracked
4 Quarts Water
4 oz. Aged Parmesan
- Fill medium saucepot with cold water and 2 ½ Tablespoons Salt, Bring to a boil.
- While water begins to boil, gather a large sauté pan, place on high heat, add avocado oil, when shimmering, add mushrooms, cook on high heat, with ample space in between to not sweat, toss them around, get color on as much as you can, remove from pan, place on plate lined with paper towels to catch some grease.
- Add Onions, garlic, butter, and remaining salt, reduce heat to medium, stir vigorously so all oil, garlic, and onions are combined well. Cook on medium heat, about 2 minutes until onions begin to release moisture, reduce heat to medium low, cover if you have a lid, if not place a piece of parchment paper directly on top of the onions so they can sweat. Cook for about 5-7 minutes until begins to look translucent.
- Increase the heat to medium high, add white wine, cook 3-5 minutes until the wine has reduced by half. Once wine has reduced, add Mushroom Ragout, roasted mushrooms, black pepper and cook 2-3 minutes on medium high stirring consistently.
- Once Water is boiling add bucatini, cook 3-4 minutes until al dente (Tender but still a little Bite), strain reserving pasta water, add bucatini to sauté pan with ragout, toss vigorously to incorporate, if it has thickened up a bit, add some of the pasta water. 6. Once creamy and incorporated, add lemon zest, juice, parsley, and ½ of the parmesan. Cook 1 minute to melt cheese. Turn heat off and place 4 equal portions in bowls, using a micro plane or fine shredder, shred the remaining parmesan on top, please enjoy.

Carrot Ginger Soup
Tools Needed
Medium Saucepot, Large Saute Pan, Rubber Spatula or Wooden Spoon, Chef Knife, Cutting Board, Strainer, Ladle for Serving.
1oz. Avocado Oil
1 lb. Rootbound Organic Carrots, Cleaned, Sliced ¼”
½ Ashbourne Yellow Onion, Peeled, Sliced paper thin
8 oz Organic Turmeric, Cleaned, Sliced Thin
2 oz Organic Ginger, Cleaned, Sliced Thin
2 oz Garlic, Peeled, Rough Chopped 5 Each
1 Ashbourne Lemongrass, Root cut off, Sliced Thin
3 Cups Haymarket Vegetable Stock
1 Cup Coconut Milk
1 Orange, Zest and Juiced
1 Lime, Zest and Juiced
1 Tsp Black pepper, Ground
½ Tbsp Kosher Salt
3 Sprigs Cilantro, Cleaned
3 Leaves Mint, Cleaned, Picked
- Procedure Place avocado oil in medium saucepot, place heat on medium high, when oil begins to shimmer across the bottom add onions, ginger, carrots, and turmeric.
- Cook on medium high heat for 5 to 6 minutes stirring constantly, once lightly caramelized, add garlic, salt and pepper, cook another 5 minutes.
- Add Remaining ingredients, bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium low, stirring constantly to prevent sticking, cook for 30-40 minutes until carrots and ginger are tender.
- Once everything is tender, place in high-speed blender, blend on high for 30 seconds, once smooth, strain through a fine mesh strainer into a container and enjoy immediately or cool in refrigerator.